Posts tagged Valentine DTLA

“I knew to expect something special when we hired two former news photographers for ur day - but I’m seriously blown away by their work! Thank you Annie and Brett for documenting this day as only you two can.” - Akiko

Akiko and Sebastian’s wedding at Valentine DTLA was filled with love and celebrations with people who hadn’t been able to see one another since the pandemic started.

Akiko is a TV journalist - sounds familiar? yes, I was a journalist too! hehe, and Sebastian is a DP (director of photography). They met online back in 2015, when they were both living in LA. Akiko didn't have a profile photo set up - so Sebastian took a leap of faith in reaching out. They met up for lunch in downtown first and spent the first 6 months of our relationship in LA. Then, Akiko decided to take a job in Singapore, and they began a near 4 year long, long-distance journey. Sebastian works freelance as a DP, he was able to fly in for several weeks to a month at a time. He also took up some jobs in Southeast Asia so they could be in the same city for longer. After 2.5 years in Singapore, Akiko decided to move to Hong Kong with the same company (the opportunity was just too good to pass up!). So they spent another year of long distance, this time between Hong Kong and LA. The plan was to eventually move back to LA (where Sebastian is based), but when another job opportunity popped up in New York in 2019, he encouraged her to take it. For the last 2+ years, he has been splitting time between LA and New York, where Akiko is currently based.

“Put simply, our relationship has been all about managing different cities and travel, and finding a way to stay in the same city.”